Best Practice Lab

The Association was founded id December 2021 in Pyrzyce, Poland.
Our mission is to stimulate and sustain young people to promote and participate in the educational, social, cultural, economic and environmental issues of the communities they live in. We support people in building and understanding the concept of unite Europe and being a European citizen. We will implement actions according to environmentalfriendly approach (integrating digital tool) when designing the project which will encourage everyone involved to discuss and learn about environmental issues. To promote equal opportunities and access, inclusion and fairness across all our actions should be one of many objectives we follow.
Our main target is adults between 24- 45 from small or disadvantaged communities.

We aim to:
- Empower their motivation to gain their aims and prospect in future careers,
- Support digital competencies of adults
- Sensitise them on digital media literacy
- Equip them with the innovative

Incirliova Genclik Kultur Sanat ve Gelisim Dernegi

İ.ova Gençlik Kültür , Sanat ve Gelişim Derneği -IOVA is an organization of non-profit nature, counts more than one hundred (100) individuals as
members, young and creative citizens, people who share values, ideas, thoughts, reflections and vision.
IOVA is a young and dynamic organisation that was created as a response to the need for a vibrant, community based formation that will be able to recognise opportunities and respond to challenges related to the unique character of the local community and its members.

The focus of IOVA is:
● To encourage civic participation and active youth involvement through non-formal education;
● Implementation of new social practices in the field of media safety, fake news, social network violence, convergence of media technologies, etc.;
● The value of ICT strategies as a means of bridging the digital divide and as a powerful tool for economic & social development around the EU;
● Providing digital education for youth workers, young people and teachers

Eesti People to People

Eesti People to People is a non-profit organisation registered in Estonia in 1997 and with activities since 1993 as a chapter of People to People International NGO. The purpose of People to People aims to enhance international understanding and friendship through educational, cultural and humanitarian activities involving the exchange of ideas and experience directly among peoples of different countries and diverse cultures. Eesti PTP is committed to enhance cross-cultural communication within each community, and across communities and nations. Tolerance and mutual understanding are central themes.