Online Meeting
A very quick start of the DIGISHIP Erasmus+ project with the first online partners' meeting . We discussed and decided about the dates for the KOM in Turkey.
So , what is DIGISHIP about ? Coming soon

First TPM
The First TPM of the DIGISHIP Erasmus+ project is happening in Aydın Turkey.
The participants discussed and decided about the project activities and tasks on the first day , and they shared responsibilities.

KOM Turkey
On the second day of the DIGISHIP KOM in Turkey , we visited the ancient city Ephesus and the House of Virgin Mary.
Received our certificates
On the last day of the KOM of the DIGISHIP Erasmus+ project we talked about the dissemination tools and created the common documents which will be used during the project lifecycle.
We also received our certificates from the hosting organization.


Erasmus Days
Digiship project on the the stage on Erasmusdays celebrations.

Digiship Erasmus+ project meeting was held on January 13 as part of the K2Adults action, addressing the topic of being able to distinguish false digital citizenship. 22-2-PL01-KA210-ADU-000093364.The project addresses the need to include "critical thinking," information evaluation and media literacy as some of the most important 21st century skills. It is addressed to adults, educators, educators and students. Participants of the meeting were informed about the results of the survey conducted by the partner parties and further planned activities.

Dissemination Activity
Digiship dissemination activity - Turkey. Introducing the project , activities implemented, the training framework and coming events.

Dissemination Event
Dissemination Event for the Digiship training framework in Tallinn Estonia.